Social Activities and Volunteer Programs
Attend monthly “potluck” luncheons (free of charge), which will include guest speakers educating us on diverse topics such as gardening, local flora and fauna, history, archeology, meteorology, astronomy, etc.
Attend our annual Christmas party, and participate in donation drive for local charity
Procure organic dried whole corn for grinding annually (sometimes bi-annually) March/October.
Corn may be acquired by donation or purchase.
Members sew cotton sacks for the ground meal.
Members usually have a potluck lunch on grinding day.
Members clean and do maintenance on the burr mill.
Design, prepare and sew a large quilt each year to benefit the scholarship fund.
Funds are raised by raffle donations. The Board determines the amount of the scholarship.
The quilt will be awarded to one winner drawn by scholarship recipient during May luncheon.
Maintain quilting equipment.
Volunteer Coordinator/Docent
Meeting throughout the year for cleaning (particularly before first open house & after last open house – March/October) includes the two-story museum and the mill.
Maintain inventory & provenance of historical items in collection.
Work with club historian on archival files.
Work with Board & Grants on facility improvements.
Maintain Collection Policy.
LOCAL HISTORY RESEARCH: Open to any member willing to contribute to the mission.
Research, organize, preserve, and present the history of the Thomas Anderson family, the Anderson grist mill and cotton gin, and Anderson’s friends, neighbors, colleagues in the surrounding areas of Travis and Williamson Counties.
Hold periodic evening discussion sessions that are open to the general public.
Make occasional presentations of historical topics at luncheon meetings.
Develop and publish brochures and pamphlets for free distribution or sale.
Maintain pond environment by cleaning, repotting plants, feeding & trimming plants around pond, applying proper chemicals.
Meet throughout the year for grounds keeping, pruning & mowing.
Fertilizers, soils, tools, etc. for the grounds
Raking, light pruning, sweeping walks & patio before open house.